
Tokenization of RWAs

Decentralization of RWAs takes a Pragmatic Approach to Scale

July 26, 2024

Technical Focus

Tokenizing real-world assets on the blockchain promises to revolutionize finance by increasing liquidity, transparency, and accessibility. However, this complex task requires careful planning and execution, especially for startups venturing into this space. This blog will delve into best practices and common pitfalls associated with tokenization, with a focus on avoiding overengineering.


Tokenization involves converting ownership rights of a physical asset into digital tokens on a blockchain. While the potential benefits are immense, the complexity of tokenizing real-world assets can lead to overengineering, resulting in costly and inefficient solutions. This blog outlines key best practices and highlights common pitfalls to help startups navigate this challenging landscape effectively.

Best Practices:

  1. Start Simple and Scale Gradually
    1. Begin with a minimal viable product (MVP) that addresses the core functionality. Focus on essential features like secure ownership transfer and compliance with regulations.
    2. Gradually add advanced features as you validate the MVP and gather user feedback.
  2. Ensure Regulatory Compliance
    1. Stay updated with the legal requirements and regulations related to tokenization in your target markets. Collaborate with legal experts to ensure your platform is compliant from the start.
    2. Implement robust KYC/AML procedures to verify the identity of participants and prevent fraud.
  3. Leverage Existing Blockchain Frameworks
    1. Utilize established blockchain platforms such as Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. These platforms offer robust security features and a broad developer community.
    2. Avoid the temptation to build a custom blockchain unless absolutely necessary. Custom solutions can introduce unnecessary complexity and maintenance challenges.
  4. Implement Robust Security Measures
    1. Secure smart contracts through thorough testing and audits. Smart contracts are immutable once deployed, so it’s crucial to identify and fix vulnerabilities beforehand.
    2. Use hardware security modules (HSMs) to protect private keys and ensure secure transactions.
  5. Focus on User Experience
    1. Simplify the user interface to make it easy for non-technical users to participate in the tokenized asset marketplace.
    2. Provide clear instructions and support to help users understand the tokenization process and the benefits it offers.

Common Pitfalls:

  1. Overengineering the Solution
    1. Adding too many features initially can lead to a bloated and complex system. Startups should prioritize delivering a working product with core functionalities rather than an all-encompassing solution.
    2. Overly complex systems can be difficult to maintain, increase development costs, and delay time-to-market.
  2. Neglecting Regulatory Compliance
    1. Failing to comply with regulations can result in legal issues and loss of trust. Tokenization projects must prioritize compliance from the outset to avoid costly setbacks.
    2. Overlooking international regulations can limit the scalability of the platform.
  3. Ignoring Security Best Practices
    1. Inadequate security measures can expose the platform to hacking and fraud. Startups must prioritize security in every aspect of the tokenization process.
    2. Poorly written smart contracts can lead to exploits and significant financial losses.
  4. Underestimating the Complexity of Real-World Asset Integration
    1. Integrating real-world assets with blockchain technology involves numerous challenges, including accurate asset valuation, legal ownership transfer, and ensuring liquidity.
    2. Simplifying these processes without losing essential functionality requires careful planning and execution.
  5. Lack of Focus on User Adoption
    1. Complex and non-intuitive user interfaces can deter potential users. Startups must focus on creating a user-friendly platform to drive adoption.
    2. Failure to educate users about the benefits and usage of tokenized assets can hinder platform growth.

The Labs Competitive Advantage:

At Labs, we understand the intricate balance between innovation and practicality. Our approach to tokenization leverages years of enterprise experience to deliver solutions that are both cutting-edge and grounded in real-world feasibility. Here’s how we stand out:

  1. Security-First Approachsome text
    1. We prioritize security in every stage of development, from smart contract auditing to the implementation of HSMs, ensuring that our solutions are resilient against threats.
  2. User-Centric Designsome text
    1. We focus on delivering a seamless user experience by simplifying complex processes and providing comprehensive support, making it easy for users to engage with tokenized assets.
  3. Scalable Solutionssome text
    1. Our platforms are designed to scale with your business, allowing for the gradual addition of advanced features as your needs evolve, without compromising on performance or security.
“The token market will be larger than the securities market, because in some way it will absorb the securities market. All the securities can be tokenised today. The beauty of the token is that you can represent anything, and not only securities, and that is what will drive at first the growth of the token.” - Etienne Deniau, Head of Business Strategy, Société Générale Securities Services


While tokenizing real-world assets on the blockchain presents significant opportunities, it also comes with challenges that can lead to overengineering. By following best practices and being mindful of common pitfalls, startups can navigate this complex landscape effectively. At Labs, we leverage our deep technical expertise and enterprise experience to help achieve success in tokenization journeys.

Andrey Brutski


Head of Technology @ BoCG Ventures